grrr ksel rsany. gyahahah ya iy lah gmn engga, hengot x ny bner" super bosenin, dan gejhe. demi ni hengot, gue ud ngecepetin jdwal les gue. gue plg k rmh cped" mndi, and lgsg ngacir k TA, cihuuyy asikk rsanya :D eitss itu sblm gue tw tmend" gue pd tlad. dr jem stg 11 gue nunggu tu 2 bocah, tw"ny mrka pd tlad. gue tlvonin pd blm brkt, thalita lg blm mndi. gue ud panas duluan mondar-mandi keg org bego d TA smpe pd nglydin. smpe akirny 1 jeman, mrk dtg. legaa..walo bete. sial bner, gue dr jauh nglyd c lora bw ade plus bonus mbakny. nasibb nasibb gue pasang muka lecek sm mrk. gmn ga? bknny gue jahad, tp ini qn wktuny bebas tp mlah ad 2 org tak d undang gyahahaha. yodalah mw gmn lgi. akirny mw ntn ni, tw" lora blg dy ga ntn mw nemenin adeny. msalah lgiii...puyenk gue. y ud gmn lgi, lora ga ikud. ntn drag me to hell, gilak seremm hahaha. selese ntn, mkan d platinum. gue psen chicken mozarella+thai tea hahaha enakk ;D kabar tak menggembirakan dtg dr lora lgi. dy blg dy mw plg gr" ad tkg AC. grrr bkin gue naek darah hahaha. pdhl blm vtobox, vto" , dll. yodaah berpasrah ajj gue. slse makan, gue sm thalita bingung ngapain, gd krjaan, mondar-mandir, vto gejhe [itupun gue apus, bis jleg smua]. smpe akirny otak gue bereaksi hahaha bwt kepikiran ntn lgi, yaitu startrek haha. tpiii..nyokny thalita suru dy plg jem 5, mna kburu -_- akirny gue beli J.Cool sm topping jeruk stroberi. akirny gue ud d jmput dg ekspresi bys ajh, gda yg spesial sm hengot x ny. haha jleg gyahaha :D
LESSONS of the DAY: sometimes people make us mad
Rabu, 17 Juni 2009
Minggu, 14 Juni 2009
clik it
yihaa, i'm back! haha. x ny gue ga akan crta ttg idup gue, tp ttg vlm yg bru gue tonton mrn hahaha. vlm 'click' pastiny, brcrta ttg keidupan sesorang yg ngecepin dimensi wktu idupny. sbnrny ud bbrpa x gue ntn ni vlm, but i still love it haha. dan yg hrs klian tw, i was still crying watch the ending haha ;D gue ntn mrn malem sbtu d trans tv jem 9, tp rda tlad. lgsung aj, jd ad cowo yg lg k toko ranjang, trs dy ga sngaja ktiduran d slh stu bed yg d jual. and since that time, his life changed that much. dy msuk k ruang msa dpan and met someone named morty yg ngasi dy universal remote to control life. dy mulae ngeclick alat itu when he felt bad about the time. smpe typ ad bagian wktu yg dy ga suka, psti dy 'skip' dan d cpedin k msa dpn. remoteny jg bs ngediemin org, sm ngecilin volume suara haha. pkkny canggih lah [gue jg pgn si haha]. smpe ga krsa dy ud nglwatin brtaon". until the remote can't be controlled and his 'skipped life' was on auto mode. jdi d tiap bgian wktu yg d skip, sbnrny pikiranny ud otomatis, cm badanny msi ad d stu. tiba" dy ad d dimensi wktu when he had known that his father had passed away. dy nyesel bgd krna ga ad pas bkpny mninggal. trs dy pgn blik k wktu when he met his father for the last time. dy kecewa bgd krna mlah bkin bkpnya nangis. d msa dpn, dy jg keilangan istriny krna ud sm cowo laen. lupakan haha. other time in the future, anagny ud gde dan dy jd a big boss hahaha. anag cowony mw kawin sm cewe. tp gtw npa, suddenly he got a heart attack dan d bwa k RS. d situ dy tw morty is a death angel. kdua anagny ngunjungin dy, samantha sm benjamin yg mw honeymoon. dy nyesel necepin dimensi wktu. anagny trs kluar RS bwt d jmput. tp tiba" dy ngejar anagny dg keadaan td mndukung, ngos"an ngejar mrka. anagny lyd and cried. the weather was raining and he died that time. buuutt..he woke up. itu cm mimpi. dy bner" nyadar how important family was. and when he got home, dy nemuin surat sm remote dr morty. he know realized and threw the remote into the garbage can, and his life wouldn't be that Terrible :]. soo, that was parts i've told 'bout the story. hope u can inspired by this movie :)
PS: the end of this story was kinda 'touching' :)
LESSON of the DAY: we have life with others and nobody can control our life only by a remote, except us. this story also teach us how important family is.
PS: the end of this story was kinda 'touching' :)
LESSON of the DAY: we have life with others and nobody can control our life only by a remote, except us. this story also teach us how important family is.
daily life,
thoughts and life lessons
Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009
yea, I DID IT! ;]
yea, i make it guys! haha mgkn kalimat itu yg pgn gue ucapin skrg ini. senangny hari ny gue ud bs lyd rpod :) walo blm tw gue kls 8 ap hahaha. td gue dtg sm nyok jem 8an, yg dtg bru dkit jd gda tmend. gue dpt urutan num 11 bis krisna. krna gda tmend gue ngbrol sm eveline rina hahaha, they're nice friends ;p tmend skls gue blm pda dteng, b cicil jg blm ad. br stlah lamaan b cicil sm tmend gue laura dtg. lama bgd nungguin giliran gue msuk hahaha. kegny ga krasa gue br msuk smp 1, tw" uda smp 2, i think time goes by so fast and we don't feel it hahaha. bdw gue sklas sm syp yah? wadu jgn smpe deh sm anag" yg bengal" trutama cowo 7e hahaha xp but it's oke lah yg ptg ga nkal" amad hahah. gue cm tkud kpisah sm tmend" gue, hua i"ll miss u guys :) sneng rsany hri ini hahaha. i won't gorget that memories x) dan pastiny gue jg ga lupa bwt blang: THANK GOD! haha mgkn sgtu aj yg bs gue critain k lu, but i promise to tell u about my other stories hahaha, see ya :)
LESSON of the DAY: never forget to thankful to GOD:) dan bg yg haven't made it, bngkitlah! haha;p
LESSON of the DAY: never forget to thankful to GOD:) dan bg yg haven't made it, bngkitlah! haha;p
Senin, 08 Juni 2009
BAD day :3
haduhadu mgkn memang nasib gue lg buruk atw gmna. sial bgd gue, ugh knapaa gue ini. byangkan td jem 12 mw ngacir k rumah thalita. ehh tw" ujan gde, mna sopir gue ngilang ntah kmna. kbtulan nyok gue jga mw ikud, trs tlvon sopir gue ktany trjebak maced. wadu gue lgsg stres nlvonin tu anag sm lora. puyenk bner gue. smpe akirny jem 3an gue brkt nganterin cc gue kul dlu. trnyata dmn" mced, syoklah gue. mna d jlan c lora sms ud mw plg, yahh stres kuadrat gue, pala uda mw keg ap ga tw. mna rmbud gue bis d 'sulap' sm tkg salonny. ud dh ga tw lg mw ap, pndek bgd. muka mo taro dmn ni gue bsok msuk. aib bner. lanjud k crita, guepun trjebak mced d jln, dmn" banjir, longsor, gempa, tsunami dsb [lho? haha banjir doang de ;p] smpe akirny gue cm nunggu. ga lama kmudian gue mrasa kebelet n ga bs d tahan. kringet dngin gue d mobil. akirnya nyok gue ngusulin k kopro spy ga kbelet. ya uda krna ud jem sgini, gue ga jd ngacir hum mrka, ya mski ga rela [ga rela ga ktemu temend, bkn madingny] y uda deh, batal smua. nyok gue g jd pgi, gue jg g jd k rmh tmend. ugh akirny gue plg dg tangan 'hampa' :x
LESSON of the DAY: bad things sometimes happen to us! haha x)
LESSON of the DAY: bad things sometimes happen to us! haha x)
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